So in about 7.5 months we'll be getting a small new addition to the house! That right there in the picture is our future demon spawn! We're super excited! The Dr. says it's the right size and I even got to see the blood flow already! This week it's about the size of a raspberry. More updates to come!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Black Sabbath Pancakes 2009!
Instead of going to Burning Man this year, a lot of us old folks decided to stay home where it's clean. Actually, Jonathan and I are just broke from buying a house and don't have any vacation time left... and we wanted to be clean. But of course, old traditions die hard. We decided to bring the desert to Alameda for one day! We set up the stereo, busted out the pancake mix, and had ourselves some Black Sabbath Pancakes, just like it used to be at Burning Man! Well almost...
Our food choices were a little healthier than the usual sprinkles and gummy worms. Of course there were mimosas and coffee vodka!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Visit to Seattle
During the second week of August it just so happened that both our jobs decided to close up shop. We had a whole week off together and were barely getting paid for it. So we went to the best B&B in Washington Sate.... my parent's house!
Normally, August has the best weather in Washington But when we flew in we realized we'd certainly missed the heat wave they had a couple weeks before. It was cloudy and kind of chilly! Booooo! But we crossed our fingers for Sunday and got pretty lucky.
Lanny & Juliet joined us for the one sunny day we got while we were there. Lanny brought his big huge tackle box and a couple fishing poles. Jonathan even caught a little bass! We went out in the boat for a while and then came back and ate fish! After Doug cleaned it and cooked it of course. Tasted like fish! There was BBQ chicken too.
The rest of the trip was pretty lax. Clouds and occasional rain. We just took it easy and came home on Wednesday. Got to spend the rest of the week in the Alameda sun!
Happy kitties and special guests!
Ok, so it's been a while since I posted anything. Just been busy I guess. Here's a few new ones to catch up with. Nothing big going on with the house. We've just been taking it kind of easy since the foundation got finished. The cats are back to acting normal. In fact, after several medicated baths & a few weeks of hissing and swatting, little Pandora has pretty successfully integrated into the household! Lucky is not super thrilled with her but at least she has been standing up to Pandora and showing her who's boss. Mu-Shu loves to play with the kitten and they chase each other around the house and play with toys together.
Early in October we had a super special guest! Jenna and Isaiah were in town for a few days and made it over to visit! Irene and Natasha came over and we had a wonderful dinner together. Jonathan was a great sport while us girls sat around and cackled for a few hours. Isaiah was so cute. Walking around on his own, playing with the kitties, and munching asparagus.
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